I havn't been on my poor blog since february!! doesn't seem like its been that long but time has been flying by since i found out i'm expecting another little baby in november :)
Since being pregnant i havn't been feeling too great and have had no energy what so ever so had to put the dolls down for abit and just relax!...well i havn't relaxed much! i've been sorting everything out and moving furniture, getting rid of junk to make room for baby etc and finally got most of it sorted now and i'm feeling sooo much better! and i'm starting to feel myself again :) So i decided to start another little art project! I'm hoping to get back to my dollys soon but for now i'm doing little bits to get back into the swing of things and have came up with these lovely primitive wands! i made one for my daughter one today and she loves it!

So i thought i'd pop it on etsy and see if theres any interest of other people wanting a personalized wand :)
Anyway just a quick update as more poor blog was looking so neglected! :P i even had to give it a new background as the other one had been removed by photobucket it was so old haha!